Annoyance: Snow.
Allergic: Nu am idee.
Animal: 4 turtles.
Beer: Redd`s.
Best Friends: 5.
Body part on opposite sex: Eyes...si frizura, dar banuiesc ca asta nu se pune.
Best weather: Hm...i think that i like best spring weather.
Believe in life on other planets: Da.Cu siguranta, da.
Believe in magic: Da, dar nu in cea neagra.
Car: Escalade.
Candy: N-am voie, so, no.
Cried in school: Yep.
Day or Night: Day.
Dream vehicle: Bus.
Dance in the middle of the street: Sometimes, when i can`t realize that i am surrounded by a crowd and i`m listening to music and i`m going crazy because my level of happiness is high.
Everyone has: A wish.
Food: Piure de fructe?
Greatest Fear: Hm...cutremure.
Gum: Winterfresh albastru.
Hair colour: Saten.
Holidays: Intr-o vacanta permanenta, but i`m tryin` to change that, and it`s workin`.
How do you want to die: Fire.
In guys — Eyes: e important sa-i aiba pe amandoi functionali. -Hair: It`s very important.Maybe o freza de londonez. Clothing style: London, NY, Swedish style. -Characteristics: Sa stie sa traiasca cu consecinte.
Ice Cream: Bleah!
Instrument: Acoustic Guitar.
Jewerly: Lots.
Kids: Doamne fereste!!!
Keep a journal?: Nu, pentru ca anumite persoane sunt curioase si nu se pot abtine sa nu il citeasca .
Longest car ride: Bucuresti-Oradea.
Letter: Mda, de obicei le scriu celor mai buni prieteni.Khupa, Bells, Alyssu and Mom.
Marriage: Doamne fereste.
Number: 3, 7.
Overused phrase: "Gen", "Du-te maaa!", "Pleaca de aici!"
One wish: Escape to Costinesti in one weekend.
One phobia: Butterflies.
Reason to cry: Atunci cand mama ma cearta pe degeaba.
Radio station: Radio 21.
Smoked: Nope.
Tatoo : I`m dreamin` for 5 or maybe 7 tatoos.
Under the influence: of what?
Vacation spot: Fetesti.
Year it’ s now: Ouch...hard.Uite-te in calendar.
Zodiac sign: Sagetator.
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